
EcoAdvance European Project

Alert! Coming up next week!

Global Water Summit happens in New York at the UN!

It's an opportunity to merge with the power of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and the world-wide effort to push serious accountability for lofty restoration goals.
Organized by the University of Évora, the Society for Ecological Restoration and Water4All.

You can join right from your desk!                                                        
The focus is on building synergies with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
It's an opportunity to be heard in the interactive audience dialog.

Hear the voices of Europe: Panagiotis Balabanis, Helge Elisabeth Zeitler, Noémie PLUMIER, Ana Mendes

People who are making a difference and creating successes.
But how will the words translate into action?
Register to join!
March 23, 2:00 pm (NY time zone): 

#FreshwaterRestoration #UNWater

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