
EcoAdvance European Project

World Water Week

COMING UP Thursday the 24 at 9am at Session ID 11517 at the Stockholm Water Week – a bonanza for business – take the angst out of figuring out how and how much to disclose about your water use and targets.

Introducing the Freshwater Accountability Navigator (FAN), a streamlined and interactive guidance that supports business in the application of the various frameworks and standards for responding to customer and regulator demand for information about your water practices.
The Freshwater Accountability Navigator (FAN) had its original debut at the UN 2023 Water Conference back in March – now the rollout and scale up!

It is an online interactive tool being developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (in collaboration with Quantis) to guide companies on which water-related frameworks and tools to use to drive more accountable water stewardship action across their value chain. The tool will be available to companies for regular use by the end of 2023 and this session will give attendees an opportunity to look under the hood and provide feedback to help the FAN create a common understanding of what ‘good’ corporate accountability for #freshwater looks like.

Other organizations have supported the development too, including:
Capitals Coalition
Global Commons Alliance
World Benchmarking Alliance
EcoAdvance (Horizon Europe) is taking a holistic view of freshwater ecosystem restoration and urging businesses to do the same! More good stewardship of freshwater ecosystems will require less restoration down the road!


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