The Danube is ALIVE with new initiatives to bring together strategies and programs!
Calling for Stakeholder input on centralizing Danube governance structures to optimize impact and uptake of innovative solutions.
A good idea? How? When?
#EcoDalli is holding 2 workshops on the topic to dovetail with the three themes of Europe’s #Ocean Mission.
And it is coordinated with the #12Annual Forum of the EUSDR team European Strategy for the Danube Region.
Join Mirjam Zillober, Albert Scrieciu, Carmen Neagu, Filip Jurić, Dragos Balaican, Maria Tzankova, Youssef Zaiter, Ph.D. to share and learn how we can improve ecological restoration, protection and preservation of the Danube basin, Danube Delta and Black Sea.
Mark your calendars for October 25 2023, from 9:30 to 12:30 (CEST) - organized by ICLEI Europe and ADRM, to be held as a parallel event within the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia.
Link for in-person registration:
Link for online registration:
#FreshwaterEcosystems #DanubeRestoration
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