
EcoAdvance European Project

It takes more than a proposal – even a funded one – to turn around a river basin.

Look at the Danube River Basin – shared by 19 countries – and degraded by unsustainable exploitation, pollution, and climate change. Various restoration projects attack different aspects… how can they be more successful?

That was the focus of Helmut Habersack when he participated in a panel at the EU Horizon Europe Mission: Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 Danube and Black Sea Lighthouse Launching Event in Bucharest earlier this month.  
As a leader in the DANUBE4all ~ EU Project project and a partner in EcoAdvance (Horizon Europe), he shared insights on making projects successful and how success may be different under different climate, cultural and ecological conditions. EcoAdvance is identifying the key factors that contribute to the success of freshwater ecosystem restoration initiatives – and how they may be different in different EU countries.

To share your ideas on success and freshwater ecosystem restoration, register at: 

#freshwaterecosystemrestoration #Danubelighthouse #danube4all #EcoDali

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