
EcoAdvance European Project

Calling all Freshwater Champions!

Europe has taken one more step for restoration!

After the win in the Council of the European Union yesterday to move a revised Nature Restoration Law forward, Europe is getting closer to fulfilling the intent and potential of the European Green Deal.

But the battle is not over!

This version serves as the basis for further negotiations, of course, so changes are possible. For Member States with plans to restore freshwater ecosystems not yet protected that have languished in the wings for lack of resources or attention, this is the opportunity for Freshwater Champions to make sure freshwater ecosystems move to the top of the list.

The original specificity of binding targets took a bit of a beating, but the new version will hopefully mean serious restoration for freshwater ecosystems – and not just an exclusive focus on one type of habitat or project. The revised text allows Member States to look at all habitats together and prioritize the most urgent restoration needs.

If you know a Freshwater Champion in your country – someone who has advocated for restoration and protection of freshwater ecosystems – tell them about EcoAdvance – an EU project to help freshwater ecosystem restorations be more successful. Join at

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