
EcoAdvance European Project

AGMA's Annual Stream Conference

  • AGMA's Annual Stream Conference brought over 250 scientists, government professionals and civil society to the table to dialogue about how to preserve and enhance Israel's rivers and streams in
    the face of climate change and competing needs.

    Israel's population is doubling every 30 years – now up to 10 million. AGMA was organized to create a professional learning community of freshwater stakeholders in Israel. In the two years since
    its launch, it has developed a common vision among municipalities, national planning and regulatory agencies, architects, planners, developers, NGOs and engineers. Field trips, webinars, educational courses are bringing them all together to address freshwater
    ecosystems while balancing housing and other requirements in face of semi-arid conditions and flooding from severe storms, poor drainage, and extensive development.

    The conference mapped out plans for restoring Israel’s streams and addressed issues like how to manage flood risks in the face of rampant development. Congrats to
    Hilla Beinish, the CEO of
    Agma - The Israeli Watersheds and Rivers Center,
    Yael Ilmer,
    Maya Milrad-Givon,
    Roy J. and
    Avital Gasith among others working to raise a generation of environment professionals.

    More on what AGMA is doing to restore freshwater ecosystems 
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