The Coordinator
SAMUI is an SME, based in France with skills covering freshwater / environmental engineering, international research project management and Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation (CDE) planning and delivery. SAMUI has wide experience of international research collaboration and in delivering European research projects over the past 25 years, from Framework Programme 4 in the late 1990s onwards. SAMUI has particular experience of working at the interface between academic research and industry practice, and hence in transferring research into practice and working at the science – policy interface.
In the EcoAdvance Project Mark Morris will implement project coordination and management, whilst also participating in the various technical and CDE work packages across the project. Estelle Morris will work on supporting the various CDE actions and activities whilst Richard Holmes will work on supporting the consultation process and consultation platform
Samui France

Dr Mark Morris is coordinating the EcoAdvance project. Mark is a qualified engineer with over 35 years expertise in environmental hydraulics, in particular on freshwater rivers, reservoirs, dams and levees. Mark has worked as researcher, work package leader and coordinator on many European research projects since the late 1990s and has extensive experience in successfully delivering such projects. Mark is also working on research and communication actions supporting the clean energy transition in Europe and is well placed to consider environmental concerns, river use and river connectivity from various perspectives.

Estelle has an MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering, an MA in Design Management and a Postgraduate Degree in Marketing. She has over 25 years experience working in science related marketing and 20 years experience working in Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation for European Research projects
Centre for Ecological Research (CER) is an academic research centre in Hungary, consists of three institutes (Institute of Evolution, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Institute of Aquatic Ecology). CER is primarily dedicated to ecological research, but many of our studies are related to the impact of agriculture and forestry on biodiversity, traditional ecological knowledge or interdisciplinary topics.
Researchers in CER are working hard to integrate institutes and disciplines, as it is difficult to tackle complex environmental challenges in isolation. In addition to research, we are committed to building bridges between science and society, and thus are involved in EU and global policy development.
Centre for Ecological Reserach, Institute of Aquatic Ecology

Agnes works in social-ecology, developing ecosystem services mappings and assessments, with appropriate methodologies and conceptual frameworks. She has a PhD in Hydrobiology and has worked for about 20 years with both aquatic and terrestrial systems, connecting people and nature.

Tünde is ecological expert and projectmanager in CER. She is a macroinvertebrate specialist, organized more methodological workshops and introduced the modified AQEM method in practice in Hungary. She have had main role by the implementation of WFD in Hungary relating to water quality protection, monitoring and ecological assessment system. She coordinated as water quality monitoring and assessment senior advisor the work of the national team and the development of WFD compliant biological monitoring and ecological assessment methods in Hungary more than 10 years, prepared and completed more projects in this issues, involved Research Institutes and Universities. She were national coordinator in more Working Groups: WG-A ECOSTAT, ICPDR Monitoring and Assessment WG and delt with connection of different EU policies, like Biodiversity and Nature, Nitrate Directive, Bathing Water Directive and WFD. She leaded the Hungarian Water Quality Expert Group in Hydrological and Water Quality Subcommittee within Slovakian-Hungarian Transboundary Committee. She coordinated professionally the surface water quality issues in 2nd River Basin Management Plan and the tasks concerning the 5 biological elements of WFD in 2nd, 3rd RBMPs in Hungary. She was a national coordinator of intercalibration for ecological status and potencial in rivers and lakes, for every biological elements of WFD (phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, fish), as a result 11 Hungarian ecological assessment methods were successful intercalibrated in European level.

Ildikó is a biologist with main interest in the mapping and assessment of ecosystem services: conceptual framework and methods. She is currently working on her PhD thesis ‘Evaluation of ecosystem services mediated by honeybees in the light of nature conservation and sustainable land use’ at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She has been involved as participant or institutional coordinator in several international research projects in the field of ecosystem services, such as the EU FP7 OpenNESS (Operationalisation of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services: From Concepts to real-world Applications), EU H2020 ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking) and the EU Horizon SELINA (Science for Evidence-based & sustainabLe decIsions about NAtural capital). She has also implemented regional level ecosystem services assessment in the framework of the Norway Grant funded Niraj-MAES (Mapping and assessment of ecosystem services in Natura 2000 sites of the Niraj – Tarnava Mica region) and the Interreg DTP funded ECO KARST (Ecosystem services of karst protected areas, as driving force of local sustainable development).
METCENAS o.p.s. is as an independent not-for-profit research and training centre established in 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic, aiming to set up technical and research cooperation amongst countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Third countries (with main focus on Danube River Basin, South Asia and Latin America). Thematically, activities of METCENAS are focused on climate change and climate services, ecosystem services, integrated water resources management, Nature based Solutions implementation, bioeconomy, resource efficiency, awareness creation, socio-economy, research focused on the community and the citizens and cooperation with the end users via different platforms (as FREEWAT platform, SPIDER,..). Started by researchers and practitioners and driven by the explicit requirements of the institutional network, METCENAS provides a broad spectrum of practical and advisory services. METCENAS has the branch office in Nepal, Kathmandu.

She has about 35 years’ experience in applied research in water resources engineering and management, flood risk management, groundwater pollution control, participatory management and training of the different target groups in the areas of water management and land management. She was the national expert for third countries participation in FP7 and had act as the member of the Sounding Board of the Commissioner Janez Potocnik for FP7 simplification and opening the FP7 programme in Latin America. She is the expert of the Technology Center CR in the area of climate change and sustainable development. References from projects: FP5: IRON CURTAIN, IMAPCT, TRANSCAT; FP6: FLOODSITE, ARMONIA, BRAHMATWINN; FP7: GENESIS, FLOODPROBE, ENSOCIO_LAC; H2020 projects: FREEWAT, FATIMA and EULAC-FOCUS. She was / is the coordinator of the EUREKA projects GEMSTONE, NASYP, eGMS, STORAGE, STAMFOR, ALICE, FORMTES, BIORESET USOR and AgriClima. Long-time involvement in the cooperation with regional governing authorities in the field of cooperation with different groups of stakeholders. The coordinator of LaPlaNt (Improving the public perception on sustainable use of water resources and landscape planning for increase of ecosystem services in global changing environment) - EEA grants project, programme CZ02. The managing director of the project AQUARIUS (Assessing water quality improvement options concerning nutrient and pharmaceutical contaminants in rural watersheds) - EEA grants project (programme CZ07). Leader of the INTER-COST projects related to COST activities: LAND4FLOOD: Natural Flood Retention on Private Land and Nature Based Solutions for water management in cities. The coordinator of the educational project SMART WATER, financed by the Norwegian funds (program REINE) in CR.
In EcoAdvance: Leader of WP2, involved in WP3 and WP4. Leader of the team (WP1).

Socio-economist, former leader of the Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology, Academy of Science CR, and the teacher at the University of South Bohemia and AMBIS Institution. From 2012 leading the socio-economic and community-based research of METCENAS in Europe, Nepal and Latin America. He is the expert in scenarios definition and research related to socio-economic development of local communities, end-users’ cooperation and multiactor community platform management. The long-lasting cooperation (30 years) with Technical University Dresden, Germany – as the coordinator of the training courses related to land management, regional management and green infrastructure. Manager of the community-based research and training in Nepal and Argentina (thematic area of the sustainable agriculture, water management, floods mitigation and organization of the constructed wetlands for the small communities).

More than 40 years of experience in all aspects of project/program cycle management from long- and short-term assignments in Asia and Europe. Main thematical focus: Ground and surface water management and risk analysis: Planning, implementation, and evaluations. Covered organizational, environmental, social, economic aspects and governance. Analysis of the baseline socio-economic situation anticipated and actual impact of interventions. Sustainability of service delivery. Stakeholder consultation and participation. Emerging pollutants in groundwaters, particularly pharmaceuticals – monitoring and mitigation process. Monitoring, evaluation and learning: Designed frameworks and mechanisms, implemented monitoring and evaluations of performance, processes and results. Assessment of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, anticipated and actual impacts as well as sustainability of programs, projects and interventions. Stakeholder analysis and consultation. Inclusive participation and dialogue of project partners including governmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society representatives and traditional structures.
BOKU is one of the best Life Sciences universities in Europe, distinguished by its holistic approach to research and teaching. Our scientists, students and graduates work on solutions for burning social issues and for a sustainable future. The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA) under the direction of Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Habersack focuses on integral hydraulic engineering, with the core elements: water use - water protection - protection from the water. These include our research areas and expertise in renewable energy with sustainable hydropower, integrated flood risk management, (eco-) hydraulics, river research and hydraulic engineering, with an emphasis on sediment management and river morphology, river restoration as well as waterway infrastructure for inland navigation.

Helmut Habersack is a Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Modelling at BOKU. Throughout his scientific work over more than 30 years he conducted a great number of projects. To this day he held more than 150 national and international talks and published over 200 articles. He is head of the Institue of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research. Moreover, he is the initiator of the “World's Large Rivers Initiative” and holds a UNESCO‐Chair for Integrated River Research and Management.

Lisa Waldenberger has a Master's degree in Hydro Science and Engineering and is currently working as a research assistant at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). She is also working on another EU project called EcoDaLLi and is part of the Local Organizing Committee for the next IAHR World Congress, World's Large Rivers Conference and Danube Conference.
Posy Global offers a full range of strategic communication services to help government, NGO, and industry innovators rethink and reduce their water and energy footprint through water reuse, create new opportunities and devise regulations that connect science and policy. Whether it is solving small contamination and operational problems before they turn into big ones, developing software to turn data into information or connecting clients to join and win Horizon projects, Posy Global focuses on the Win-Win --finding where regulators and stakeholders can meet, where water technologies can mitigate climate change, and enhance biodiversity and where agriculture, food safety and regulatory requirements can meet and work together. The innovative communication strategies at the core of EcoAdvance are designed to connect environmental concepts to real people and inspire decision makers to advance freshwater restoration.

Phyllis Butler Posy leads the Communication |Dissemination |Exploitation Work Package. A Communications Strategist, Phyllis has been pushing the cutting edge of technology in print, digital and campaign media for the last five decades. As a scientific journalist, program manager and technology evangelist, she brings an experienced multidisciplinary lens to advancing freshwater restoration. In various roles restoring major city parks, building municipal cost accounting and decision support systems, pioneering cross-cultural communication for a global business, orchestrating multimedia campaigns to achieve tax equity, validating innovative non-chemical water disinfection systems and developing international standards for agricultural reuse water, Phyllis leads by transforming data and ideas into actionable information.